How Is a POLST Different from an Advance Directive?

The Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) is a signed, written medical order used for emergencies
What Happens After a Chapter 7 Meeting of Creditors?

So you’ve attended the meeting of creditors (341 hearing) and found out it wasn’t so bad, right? If you had an experienced attorney helping you along the way and you’ve disclosed everything your attorney required when your paperwork was prepared, your meeting of creditors probably went surprisingly well. What happens next?
What to Expect at the Meeting of Creditors Chapter 7

The meeting of creditors (341 meeting) will be relatively quick—in fact, most meetings last less than five minutes. Here’s what to expect.
What is a Revocable Living Trust?

What is a Revocable Living Trust? A revocable living trust (also known as an “inter vivos” trust) is an estate planning tool used primarily to establish who will manage your assets during incapacity and how your property will be distributed upon your death. Most living trusts are “revocable” because you retain the power to amend […]